fhEVM is a technology that enables confidential smart contracts on the EVM using fully homomorphic encryption (FHE).
- Solidity integration: fhEVM contracts are simple solidity contracts that are built using traditional solidity toolchains.
- Simple developer experience: Developers can use the
data types to mark which part of their contracts should be private. - Programmable privacy: All the logic for access control of encrypted states is defined by developers in their smart contracts.
- High precision encrypted integers : Up to 256 bits of precision for integers
- Full range of operators : All typical operators are available:
, … - Encrypted if-else conditionals : Check conditions on encrypted states
- On-chain PRNG : Generate secure randomness without using oracles
- Configurable decryption : Threshold, centralized or KMS decryption
- Unbounded compute Depth : Unlimited consecutive FHE operations
Even Circle build a confidential ERC20 on fhEVM - https://github.com/Inco-fhevm/confidential-erc20-framework .
Let’s deep dive in it:Decrypt and reencrypt
On fhevm blockchain - ZAMA team built, private key is owned by a Key Management Service (KMS). If the plaintext value is needed at some point, there are two ways to obtain it. Both methods are handled by a service called the Gateway.
fhevm allow explicit decryption requests for any encrypted type. The values are decrypted with the network private key.
the detail implementation ==> https://docs.zama.ai/fhevm/guides/decrypt
Reencryption is performed on the client side by calling the gateway service using the fhevmjs library.
Zama has another project of FHE on AI — https://github.com/zama-ai/concrete-ml
https://www.inco.org/ and Circle publish a framework https://github.com/Inco-fhevm/confidential-erc20-framework which is leveraging on fhEVM:
- conceals balances.
- transaction amounts.
- optional viewing and transfer rules to meet regulatory obligations or enhance programmatic risk management.
- the counter parties addresses are published on public blockchain.
- the private key is also configured as kms-service.