
关于PBFT的监控,已tendermint为例,已经具备 Prometheus 监控能力。

具体参数请参见 ==> https://docs.tendermint.com/master/tendermint-core/metrics.html

List of available metrics

The following metrics are available:

Name Type Since Tags Description
consensus_height Gauge 0.21.0 Height of the chain
consensus_validators Gauge 0.21.0 Number of validators
consensus_validators_power Gauge 0.21.0 Total voting power of all validators
consensus_validator_power Gauge 0.33.0 Voting power of the node if in the validator set
consensus_validator_last_signed_height Gauge 0.33.0 Last height the node signed a block, if the node is a validator
consensus_validator_missed_blocks Gauge 0.33.0 Total amount of blocks missed for the node, if the node is a validator
consensus_missing_validators Gauge 0.21.0 Number of validators who did not sign
consensus_missing_validators_power Gauge 0.21.0 Total voting power of the missing validators
consensus_byzantine_validators Gauge 0.21.0 Number of validators who tried to double sign
consensus_byzantine_validators_power Gauge 0.21.0 Total voting power of the byzantine validators
consensus_block_interval_seconds Histogram 0.21.0 Time between this and last block (Block.Header.Time) in seconds
consensus_rounds Gauge 0.21.0 Number of rounds
consensus_num_txs Gauge 0.21.0 Number of transactions
consensus_total_txs Gauge 0.21.0 Total number of transactions committed
consensus_block_parts counter on dev peer_id number of blockparts transmitted by peer
consensus_latest_block_height gauge on dev /status sync_info number
consensus_fast_syncing gauge on dev either 0 (not fast syncing) or 1 (syncing)
consensus_block_size_bytes Gauge 0.21.0 Block size in bytes
p2p_peers Gauge 0.21.0 Number of peers node’s connected to
p2p_peer_receive_bytes_total counter on dev peer_id, chID number of bytes per channel received from a given peer
p2p_peer_send_bytes_total counter on dev peer_id, chID number of bytes per channel sent to a given peer
p2p_peer_pending_send_bytes gauge on dev peer_id number of pending bytes to be sent to a given peer
p2p_num_txs gauge on dev peer_id number of transactions submitted by each peer_id
p2p_pending_send_bytes gauge on dev peer_id amount of data pending to be sent to peer
mempool_size Gauge 0.21.0 Number of uncommitted transactions
mempool_tx_size_bytes histogram on dev transaction sizes in bytes
mempool_failed_txs counter on dev number of failed transactions
mempool_recheck_times counter on dev number of transactions rechecked in the mempool
state_block_processing_time histogram on dev time between BeginBlock and EndBlock in ms